偶然在網上看到Mark Perlberg (1920-2006)英譯的杜甫麗人行,有點意見,茲就其譯文,逐句抄評如次:
elegant women
By Tu
Fu (712-770)
On the third day of the third month, in
fresh weather.
The elegant women of the capital stroll on the river bank
manner regal and remote, their faces delicate,
Their figures shapely
and pleasing.
Wrapped in filmy silks bright with peacocks and silver unicorns,
They illumine the spring evening. ﹝應譯為 late spring﹞
What do they wear in their
The hummingbird headdress with jade leaves dangling
Past their lips. ﹝不應譯為嘴唇﹞
What do you see
upon their shoulders? ﹝應譯為 from behind, 或 from the back.﹞
Capes with crushed pearls at their waists that cling
To their bodies.
One even glimpses from time to time. ﹝錯得離譜﹞
Glittering beneath the canopies of the empresses' pavilion,
Those great ladies of
the empire, Kuo and.Ch'in.
Purple Steak from the camel’s hump broiled in a
glistening pan,
And the white flesh of fish are set out in rows of crystal dishes. ﹝rows of 可免﹞
But the satiated ones stay their rhinoceros chopsticks,
And morsels minced by belled
knives lie untouched.
Yet still the palace eunuchs arrive.
They rein in their horses without so much as stirring dust.
And set before the guests food rare as jewels
Brought from the eight corners of the earth. ﹝八珍譯錯﹞
The music of pipes and
drums, strange enough to move
the dead,
Accompanies the feast. .A fast retinue blocks the main road. ﹝譯者不明原意﹞
Then in measured paces a saddled
horse arrives;
The rider dismounts and enters on embroidered carpets.
Willow-down drifts like snow, masking white duckweed flowers;
And a bluebird flies off with a
scarlet kerchief in his beak. ﹝這兩句很難譯﹞
Be careful! So great is his
power, his lightest touch can burn. ﹝為何不說 so powerful he is that his lightest touch
can burn﹞
Do not approach the prime minister too close.
He may be angry. ﹝be 改作 get 是否妥當一點?﹞
Translated by Mark Perlberg (1920-2006),
from Sunflower Splendor
麗人行 杜甫
三月三日天氣新 ﹝上祀修禊,出外踏青。﹞
蹙金孔雀銀麒麟 ﹝形容上句羅衣上的金銀繡像﹞
翠微盍葉垂鬢唇 ﹝鬢唇即鬢邊,翠是翡翠,盍葉是髮飾的一種。﹞
珠壓腰衱穩稱身 ﹝腰衱即長裙﹞
就中雲幕椒房親 ﹝雲幕,舖設之帳幕如同雲霧。椒房親指皇后的親戚。﹞
賜名大國虢與秦 ﹝虢國夫人是楊貴妃之三妹,秦國夫人是其八妹。﹞
紫駝之峰出翠釜 ﹝翠釜,翡翠之釜﹞
水精之盤行素鱗 ﹝水精即水晶,上盛白色的魚,色彩鮮明。﹞
犀箸饜飫久未下 ﹝犀箸,犀牛角的筷子。﹞
鸞刀縷切空紛綸 ﹝鷥刀,有鷥鈴的寶刀。空紛綸,表示切膾得精細但沒人下箸。﹞
黃門飛鞚不動塵 ﹝黃門是宦官,鞚是馬的勒頭。﹞
御廚絡繹送八珍 ﹝八珍依周禮指淳熬、淳母、炮豚、炮牂、擣珍、蹟、熬、肝膋。﹞
簫鼓哀吟感鬼神 ﹝聽在詩人耳中成為哀聲。﹞
賓從雜遝實要津 ﹝雜遝,眾多之意。賓客都是位居要津的大官。﹞
後來鞍馬何逡巡 ﹝後來的賓客都進不去了。﹞
楊花雪落覆白蘋 ﹝少陵表面寫景,實用魏太后私通楊華事譏楊國忠私通虢國夫人。﹞
青鳥飛去銜紅巾 ﹝青鳥指楊貴妃之使者,「紅巾」指其上所書之信息。﹞
炙手可熱勢絕倫 ﹝此句明明是譏刺。﹞
慎莫近前丞相嗔 「丞相指楊國忠」
就 Mark Pealbery 譯文試改如下,歡迎提供意見:
On the third day of the third month, in fresh weather.
The beautiful women of the capital stroll on the river bank.
Their manner regal and remote, naturally elegant,
Their figures shapely, skins smooth and delicate.
Wrapped in filmy silks bright with peacocks and silver unicorns,
They illumine the late spring.
What do they wear in their head?
The ornaments with jade leaves dangling
Past the edges of hairline.
What do you see from behind?
Long skirts with pearls around the waists that cling
To their bodies.
The canopies of the tents spread like clouds,
Beneath them are the great ladies, queen’s relatives
They are bestowed the titles of lady Gu and Lady Chin.
Delicious Steaks from the purple camel’s hump,
Are presented on the jade plate.
And the white fleshes of fish are set out in crystal dishes.
But the satiated ones stay their rhinoceros chopsticks,
And delicacies carefully sliced by belled knives lie untouched.
Yet still the palace eunuchs arrive.
They rein in their horses without so much as stirring dust.
And continually set before the
guests rare precious savories.
The music of pipes and drums, sad enough to move the dead,
VIPs, with their entourages, hustle around.
The late arrivals, still on their saddles, mill around.
Dismount and enter on embroidered carpets.
Willow-down drifts like snow, masking white duckweed flowers;
And a bluebird flies off with a message
on scarlet kerchief in his beak.
Watch out! The power is so great, that his lightest touch can burn.
So, do not approach the prime minister too close.
He may get angry.